The Sandy Mush Forest Restoration Coalition

Who We Are

The Sandy Mush Forest Restoration Coalition was formed to address the need for forest restoration activities in Sandy Mush. The backbone members of this group are EcoForesters and the Southern Appalachian Highland Conservancy. The Coalition is composed of family forest landowners, Sandy Mush community members, natural resource professionals, and environmental nonprofit organizations.

All community members are welcome.



Healthy and resilient forests that protect water resources, natural assets, cultural heritage, economic opportunities, and quality of life for Sandy Mush community residents.


Increase support for forest restoration activities in Sandy Mush by increasing communication, educational opportunities, coordination, and success among community members, and to connect family forest landowners to resources to support and sustain forest restoration into the future.

Why a Coalition Approach?

When asked to identify the reasons why community members value forests in Sandy Mush, many Coalition members responded with: “because it’s home”. While many families living within the greater Sandy Mush watershed have resided in the community for generations, both newcomers and longtime residents have a strong sense of place that drives their passion for being good stewards to their land. A coalition approach brings the unique strengths of individuals and organizations to unify efforts towards forest restoration within the Sandy Mush community. Through this Coalition we hope to empower the community in a comfortable, non-threatening setting to share knowledge, ideas, and information about forest restoration.

Within the Sandy Mush watershed, forests are valued or utilized by several stakeholders, including those that own forestland and those that benefit from or desire healthy and productive forestland. Most of the forestland is owned by family forest landowners that hold diverse social, ecological, and economical goals for their forests. In its first year, the Coalition created an Action Plan for Conservation to serve as a framework for the restoration and conservation of forests in Sandy Mush.   

Coalition Meeting Minutes

Click the link to read the meeting minutes.

The Forest Stewards Guild introduces the Sandy Mush Forest Restoration Coalition’s “Action Plan for Conservation”. This plan was put together using the Coalition’s input and is being used to guide conservation activities implemented in the Sandy Mush community. It also features a message from our partners, the Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy and EcoForesters.

Working Collaboratively

The Coalition is excited to support forest stewards in Sandy Mush, connect people with resources to better achieve their woodland management goals, and increase collaboration and understanding of forest restoration in the community. The Coalition will assist Sandy Mush community members by providing topical outreach focusing on how to ecologically manage their forests, maintain their cultural heritage, and inspire others to do the same.

Want in?

Join the Sandy Mush Forest Restoration Coalition today to be a part of increasing forest stewardship in a special region of Western North Carolina.


The love of the countryside, appreciation of native flora and fauna, and ability to rely on ecosystem services are all reasons why people are interested in participating in the Coalition.